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Sexual Health Behaviors of Deaf American Sign Language (ASL) Users

There are similarities between being deaf and being queer that compounded my sense of alienation. For example, most LGBT people have.

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Description:Sociolinguistics must be very careful of making divisions or communities where they do not exist. In medical treatment, the medical system was not quick to the needs of LGBTs, or they were either denied medical treatment or were ashamed to ask for medical treatment due to the discrimination they could face. It was hard for them to be visible to their white counterparts, due to them not having recognizable white queer forms of expression, so they would be considered inauthentic queers to the white community. Polari was an important dialect for creating social identify and served to make the members of the language community feel like insiders, and to ensure that non-speakers remained outsiders. Remember the "Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax"? HIV was similar between groups, though HIV testing was significantly lower among lower-income, less well-educated, and female Deaf respondents. Remember, that sign linguists must always be on guard against accepting things just because they sound sensible, rather than checking them for themselves.

Views: 5653 Date: 2018-11-04 Favorited: 61 favorites

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