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I'm going to level with you: Male masturbation isn't all that mysterious. It comes down to a guy hunched over his keyboard or phone, grunting.

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If there's one thing that almost every guy is an expert at, it's masturbation. After years of extensive, hands-on experience, you think you know.

Most men will tell you that masturbation and sex have nothing to do with each other, and when it comes to their own self pleasuring, they are.

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Description:Nearing utter exasperation, there it was suddenly, the road. Masturbation will never do anything to help. It's most comfortable to do it in bed, and males who do it elsewhere almost always learned how to do it in bed. What kind of pressure are you using, compared to the pressure you tend to experience during hand jobs? If so, would you admit it to them? And let the urge lead you to seek love from God and others. Most people clean it up with tissue or a piece of cloth, like a sock or an old shirt.

Views: 5455 Date: 2018-11-25 Favorited: 42 favorites

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