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We're here to make sure you have a lovely, love-y day with the list of best romantic movies on Netflix.

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Maybe you and your boo aren't into sappy romance movies at all, and hate anything associated with the genre. Hey, not everyone in love needs to watch other.

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From historical romance to romantic comedies to one true-life romantic documentary, here are the 40 best romantic movies on Netflix.

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Description:Jacques Audiard In its treatment of romantic and familial love as both sweet and savage, Rust and Bone has many of the qualities that critics and audiences love about French film even as it is reminiscent of movies like Fight Club and Million Dollar Baby, and as bloody as a Tarantino revenge flick. It does not care if it moves too quickly, or if it does not commit to one genre, or if it is too unbelievable for words. As Tita cooks, her moods and emotions directly enter her food, evoking violently powerful reactions—sometimes positive, sometimes disastrous—in all who eat her cooking. The story hangs off of him, off of his work, his emoting, the physical quality to his self-presentation before a lens. The people in his life care about him, his creators care about him, and so of course we care about him, too, even at his worst, even as he invites troubles and hazards into his life against all fair warnings given him by his support system.

Views: 4216 Date: 2018-12-08 Favorited: 24 favorites

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